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HomeLove & RelationshipWhat Men Look for In Women?

What Men Look for In Women?

what-men-look-for-in-womenNot all women are girlfriend material; however, a girl could learn how to be one through experience and time. If you are in love along with a guy, then you must need to know what he is looking for in a woman. It will tend to vary from men to men; however you will still find some traits what men look for in women in order to make her the potential girlfriend.

Here are some characteristics that majority of men look for in women:

1. Responsible – Most men grow lat if you will compare them to women. This is the reason why most men like to search a girl who is pretty responsible and is capable of guiding them throughout different aspects of their relationships. In addition, they also wanted to think that someday they will marry a woman who could responsible handle of the finances of his home and him as well as their future children.

2. Express that you are an approachable – Having a fierce personality will move any gut who try to approach you. As much as possible, do not show like you are not attracted or interest to be pursued. Doing playing hard to get is quite different from appearing unachievable. It would just take a good smile to change you to be someone who is approachable.

3. Have an outgoing attitude – Along with an outgoing personality denotes that you are able to go out there and show exciting and fun persona. You will find that there are no such dull moments together with you as you are enjoying the life of party and at the same time many people admire you. In addition, it also denotes that you could easily adapt into any sort of situation.

4. True to yourself – As much as possible, do not fake it because your real and true colors will at all time show eventually. More men will appreciate you if you are not one of those pretentious girls out there. Furthermore, being real will always save you from those unrealistic expectations, which a guy may have in the forthcoming.

5. Honesty – Every people would prefer to have an honest partner. As what the old maxim says, honesty is the best policy. Men hate it when a girl is not direct. It is encourage that you tell honestly to him all about regarding your past as well as the skeletons inside your closet.

6. Self-confidence is for the win – A good dose of confidence will aid you enhance your assets and lessen your flaws. Therefore, bank on those strongest assets you have and flaunt them.

These tips will not just show enhance your relationship but will also increase your confidence. Be available but not too much.  There are some guys that may have interest in you however you are much into your present hobbies and career and they are having a bad time wooing you. Thus, you need to make sure that you are still available if you are dreaming of a guy who will like you.

Related article: Signs a Man Is In Love with You

Image by: Shimelle Laine




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