Wednesday, February 12, 2025
HomeLove & RelationshipAre You Really Taking Good Care of Your Husband?

Are You Really Taking Good Care of Your Husband?

taking care of your husbandIt’s important to understand the value of caring for your spouse to make them feel loved and appreciated. Marriage can be tough but working on it continuously can ensure that your marriage lasts through even the worst times. Taking care of your husband let him know that you appreciate everything he does and can make the entire household happier. Most husbands don’t require anything too complicated to feel loved. A few simple gestures can make the special man in your life know and understand his importance to the family.

Show Him Love and Attention

The most important aspect is to pay attention to your husband. Ask him about his day and talk through anything that is stressing him if he feels like talking. Smile when he walks in the door and offer up a hug and kiss to welcome him home. Sometimes there may be a rough day where he’s stressed and feeling distant. On these days it’s best to just tell him you love him and let him know you’re ready to talk if he needs to but don’t pressure him about opening up.

Related article: What Men Look for In Women?

Take Care of Him Like A Mother

Small gestures can make a man feel loved. Things like fixing him a snack or packing his lunch for work can lessen the burden on him and they’re very simple and quick tasks. Make his favorite meal for dinner frequently. If he has a sweet tooth you can surprise him with a well-loved dessert. Have his favorite foods and drinks in the home and be sure to replenish them before they run out. Also, if you’re capable, sew his clothes for them when they need repaired or replace them without being asked.

Small But Surprising Gestures

If your husband has been having a stressful day, you can hand him the remote and take the kids outside or out for errands so he can have a couple hours of rest in a quiet house. Slipping a cute note in his lunch can be a fun way to let him know you’re thinking of him. Also, texting him during the day just to say “I love you” can make him feel special. Doing mundane tasks for your husband can also help relieve his stress. Things like preparing his clothes for work the next day and ensuring that his laundry is done when it’s needed can also help him feel loved.

Deal With Issues Appropriately

Even the strongest marriages have rough patches. If you’re having an issue with your husband it’s important to let him know about the problem. Most men don’t like to have long drawn out discussions about a problem. Just let him know your concerns and be ready to talk when he wants. Don’t pressure him for a change in his behaviour but understand that most people change from self motivation, not from being pressure by others.

In modern day relationships, it may be looked down upon for women to do what may be perceived as old-fashioned tasks for their husbands. But what’s wrong with doing things for someone you love, your partner, if it can make his life easier and let him know he’s loved and appreciated? There is nothing outdated about taking great care of someone you love. The type of marriages where the spouses do little things to make each feel special are usually the ones that last. Taking great care of your husband allows him to know that you love him and care enough to do even the most mundane tasks to make his day better. Always greet him with a hug and kiss, even when one or both of you have had a bad day, and it often leads to a feeling of lightheartedness and realization that little troubles are not so important in the big scheme of things. A great marriage is often made that way through years of effort to show your husband that you truly care.

What’s next:


Image courtesy of Ambro 



  1. You demean men with this diatribe, not just women.
    A lot of men actually participate in their family life, not treat it as a burden, or chore.
    They treat it as part of their daily life and enjoy it and share it with their partners.
    You belittle their efforts and commitment and input into their family lives by chugging out this old fashioned view of family life as a one -sided affair. Shame on you. This smacks of Stepford Wives syndrome ‘I’ll simply DIE if I don’t get that recipe!’


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